Your CPU is better than you?


The ad from Palm depicts a hand cluttered with information in a busy city with a definitive line segregating it from the sleek Palm device with no background. The side with the hand states “Chaos” while the other side with the Palm device states ” Order”. The hand has extremely poor handwriting all over to make it look more in array as well as the backdrop being excessively blurry giving the concept of a hectic street. The device side is clearly legible and neatly organized screen. The backdrop on the device side is just a plain white.

The image really promotes the cultural construction that technology equals a more organized better us. They used the human hand which is actually a human palm and compared it to the digital palm. The side by side shows a direct comparison to human vs cpu scenario. The ad depicts humans as faulty while technology to be flawless. The white backdrop on the device side implicates a sense of purity which would try and heighten the difference between the two. The promotion states that humans are in disarray without technology; that can be assumed by the choice of words they used in this ad to compare the human palm to the digital one.  Also the only legible writings are ones that lead you to buy or promote their product. On the human hand the bottom of the arm clearly states ” Buy Palm” this is an indication that the humans have already decided that technology is a better way to go then using there own methods. Furthermore, the other writing on the hand that is easily made out is the area where it says call BFF which kind of provides a hidden seed for you to spread the word to your friends about the device. I would even further analyze this ad as a form of promotion for cybernetic revolution. Where humans are to be replaced by robots like a kind of a human drone ideology.

While technology can help us it can also become a crutch when we are to reliant on it. We become lazy and socially dependent on it. The ideology that computers are a better source organization is really an idea of laziness. I personally know people that can be just as organized with a pen and pad then with a device such as the Palm. The promotion itself leads people to feel they are inferior and can not operate properly on their own without the need of technology. This creates a underline sense of mistrust in one another while also instilling doubt in your own abilities.

The code of the ad is that technology is better then human brains and methods and if you are using your own methods you are inadequate.

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